About Anne

Anne Elizabeth Lea Parelkar was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas to the late George A. Lea, Jr. and Martha Quinn.

Anne grew up in Pine Bluff and White Hall, Arkansas, where she was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Pine Bluff, a church her grandfather helped start.

She is an alumna of White Hall High School, Lyon College of Batesville, Arkansas, and the UALR - William H. Bowen School of Law.

During her time at Lyon College, Anne was an active member of Alpha Xi Delta, the Student Activities Council, and the Student Government Association. She served for multiple years on the boards of Alpha Xi Delta and the Student Activities Council.

In 2011, Anne passed the Arkansas Bar Exam and became licensed to practice law in Arkansas. She relocated to Kansas shortly thereafter, after marrying her husband, Nikhil.

Anne passed the Missouri Bar Exam in 2012 and the Kansas Bar Exam in 2013. She is currently licensed to practice law in Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas.

Anne served on the Board of the Verona Hills Homes Association in Kansas City, Missouri.

Anne is a member of the Kansas Bar Association, the Missouri Bar Association, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Anne is a descendant of the American Revolution. Her great (X’s 5) grandfather, Michael Hogg, served the United States of America before it became the United States of America.

Anne believes there is a place for all of us in this great nation, from the Native Americans who were here before any of us to the rural farmers we rely on for our food, from the immigrants who are now working to realize the American dream to the descendants of immigrants who have made their way to this great country over the years, from the railroad workers to the CEOs. We all love these United States of America. While we may not agree on everything, Anne believes we have more in common than we might think.

Anne further believes that our elected officials work for the People and have a duty to listen to those constituents they represent. Our founding fathers did not intend for an elite group of individuals to have power over the masses; on the contrary, our founding fathers intended that the People have and hold the power as one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

A sign on her father’s bedroom growing up said “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.” Anne fully believes in the premise of this statement. An America divided will not survive. We must do everything we can to find common ground on which to stand. Anne believes that, with YOUR help, she will be able to help facilitate the same so that these United States of America continue to be the beacon of hope and light for the free world, the nation our founding fathers intended it to be, a leader of peace and unity, and the home we all envision for ourselves and our children and grandchildren.

Anne welcomes your ideas, your conversation, your suggestions for how to best assure our nation continues to thrive for the next 250 years and beyond.

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